Posts written by the PMDS staff

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Fabrizio Maria Aymone

Training Neural Networks

G. Hinton’s Forward-Forward algorithm makes training Neural Networks Biologically plausible
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Marco Varrone

What Boosted my Student Career

How an association changed my long-term future
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Marco Varrone

2020: An AI Year in Review

The four most important things in AI in 2020
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Alessandro Paticchio

From zero to GCP Professional Data Engineer

A step-by-step guide on how to study for earning a GCP Professional Data Engineering certification
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Marco Varrone

Visualization horrors in the age of COVID-19

Data Visualization is the most underrated aspect of Data Science
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Alessandro Paticchio

Can a Model Choose the Training Set?

“Garbage In, Garbage Out” no matter how fancy and complicate your state-of-the art algorithm is
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Alessandro Paticchio

How to visualize the spread of COVID-19 in Italy

I will outline an intuitive way to describe and display how the virus situation evolved in Italy
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Marco Varrone

Is Deep Learning facing a reproducibility crisis?

some papers observed that the progress seen with the advent of Deep Learning in some research fields may not be as strong as we thought
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Marco Varrone

Weights&Biases: An introductory guide

If we don’t put enough effort into creating a stable system around our models we soon lose control of the project
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