The last event for this semester is out! #SAVETHEDATE🤝🏻 December 9th, 2021 📅 The combination of local information, data visualization and data science give life to a very powerful tool: geoanalytics. Proprietary and public data mixed by skilled data scientists can allow energy companies to know better and better how to move around the territory. In this scenario, E.ON Energia – one of the main player on the energy market – has started developing various software improving certain business processes: the analysis of fraudulent behavior, the search for the best place to open a front office, the analysis of the behavior of our customers in a specific area, etc. The figure of the data scientists, as well as that of the business analysts, are fundamental for approaching this type of projects. During the event the Customer Analytics team will share their experience in this field and will tell how these approach can bring value to energy companies bringing two use cases where it will be possible to understand which kind of technical/business challenges Data Scientists faces of in day-by-day.