Do you want to apply what you are learning about Machine Learning? Keep reading to understand the challenge competition that we propose! Kaggle Challenge of April-May 2021 is a competition dedicated to students from Politecnico di Milano who want to test their skills in data science and machine learning. The competition is open to teams of 1 to 3 students, who will have to find an efficient solution to find a product in different images, in a Kaggle competition supported by Shopee. Submission to the challenge can be uploaded until 10th of May, after which the leaderboard will be finalised with the private scores of each team. Two different images of similar wares may represent the same product or two completely different products; the goal of retailers is to identify similar products offered by competitors, and offer them at a better price, task that can be achieved through a combination of deep learning and traditional machine learning. Students have to register individually on the PMDS website, and they will receive an email with further instructions (telegram group + spreadsheet). The application to the competition ends the 23rd of April. Students will have the opportunity to form teams with the other participants, or ask PMDS for help in finding a team (write to us if you want more info!). The challenge is managed on Kaggle, but we will keep a separate leaderboard with the teams signed up for the challenge; indeed we are not organizing the actual competition ourselves, we are just giving to students of PoliMi an opportunity to form teams and compete with each other.