PMDS Podcast

Episodes of the official PMDS podcast

Data Management: How industries can change their performance

Good data management is what enables the Data Scientist to work without interruptions. In today's episode we will be talking with Matteo Cimini, a Data Architect at Quantyca.

Programmatic Advertising

We will talk with Stefano Restelli, a manager at Zalando, about programmatic advertising. We will learn how the right content is delivered to the right target at the right time.

GeCo Project: Data-driven biological analysis

In today's episode we will talk with Pietro Pinoli, a researcher at Politecnico di Milano, about the GeCo project.

Reinforcement Learning: A technical and philosophical overview

Join us on a deep dive on Reinforcement Learning where we will discuss both the technical and the philosophical aspects of this technique.

PhD: Two Researchers Explain

Why would you do a PhD, how are these programs structured, what are the career possibilities? We are gonna try to answer these questions.

Data Careers: What should I do?

I am gonna discuss together with a former PMDS member currently at Amazon US, and our treasurer Francesco Alongi the best ways to make experience in the DS world.

Data Jobs: Let's make things clear

We are going to discuss what are the different job perspectives in the world of big data.

AI for Cancer with Marco Varrone

Interview of the former president of our association (Polimi Data Scientists). Marco is currently pursuing a PhD in computational biology in Lausanne.